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Here’s Where Multifamily’s Investment Opportunities, Pitfalls Lie in 2022

February 28, 2022
As cap rates continue to stay low and capital flows into multiple asset classes and property types, there are many emerging opportunities to take advantage of in the U.S. multifamily sector, according to lending and capital expert panelists at the GlobeSt. MULTIFAMILY Conference.
Speaking to an audience in Hollywood, Florida, senior managing director of Meridian Capital Group, Morris Betesh, singled out Manhattan as being especially full of opportunities. But there are a couple of big questions on his mind: where are people working and moving to, and are they staying there or is it temporary?
“Where are the structural changes in terms of employment sticking? And where’s the fluff?” said Betesh.
For investors, the ‘smile states’ in the Southeast and Southwest offer a lot of investment opportunities. And Miami is in a new stage of its development, in Betesh’s view.

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